We completely understand that things happen from time to time that are out of your control, which may mean you have to cancel your appointment or aren’t able to get to the salon on time. Of course we will be as flexible as we can in these situations to accommodate you, however our diaries are often back to back and one hiccup in the day means it effects other clients appointment times. Therefore we have the following policies in place:
All we ask is that you give us at least 48 hours notice before cancelling your appointment. The earlier you can let us know the better. That way we are probably able to get the slot covered. If you cancel within 48 hours of your appointment we will certainly try and fill the slot, however please note:
•We may request pre-payment for services if you’ve cancelled several appointments.
•We reserve the right to charge the full price of cancelled appointments that we are unable to fill.
We allocate a specific amount of time for each appointment so that we are able to offer our full professional service. For a blow dry we allocate 30 minutes, if you are 10 minutes late that’s a third of your appointment gone, and we couldn’t possibly complete a wonderful style in this time. Whilst we are good we aren’t miracle workers! We also like to have a smooth running salon without making anybody late for the rest of their day. Therefore if you are late we may not be able to see you.
Please ring ahead and let us know so we can try and plan accordingly. We may of course be able to rebook your appointment but please note:
•We may request pre-payment for services if you’ve been late for several appointments.
•We reserve the right to charge the full price of appointments that are missed due to Client lateness.